Monday, March 19, 2007

We're getting small

Well, we've been here for two days now and we are "getting small." This is a good friends way of describing the realization, especially as we gaze out at the vastness of the ocean, that it's not all about us. It usually takes a couple of days and we're starting to feel it. Although the wind is cool and the water is freezing, we've been able to enjoy several hours playing on the beach each day. Avon suffered a very strong storm the day before we arrived and we found some of the effects washed up on shore; a small dolphin, a small sand shark and about a mile of commercial fishing line. Our house is in the middle with the turret, which is where I'm sitting now. The kids have been having a blast kayaking on the lake.

1 comment:

Timothy said...

Did the dolphin survive????